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Education is ART

Education is ART

children of hope

children of hope

Be a hero change the world

Be a hero change the world

Imagine - give ART a chance

Imagine - give ART a chance

ART can break down borders

ART can break down borders

The world will be in their hands

The world will be in their hands



We are ART

We are ART

We are one

We are one

Imagine a world without ART

Imagine a world without ART

Many artists for one world

Many artists for one world

We are HOPE

We are HOPE

"IMAGINATION is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein

ART heals


Art as therapy...ART THERAPY...healing the untreated, deep, invisible wounds that many children suffer

ART breaks down borders


Peace through art...the expression and sharing of cultural knowledge helps to build a global village, promoting the language of cooperation and peace 


ART is a universal language


Great masterpieces throughout history have shown us the way - Beethoven's Ode to Joy, Rodin's Thinker, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa...a common language to remind us of our shared humanity


ART to transform impoverished communities


To transform impoverished communities we must begin with children. We must teach children the creative skills essential for building self esteem, confidence, the skills to communicate and solve problems peacefully. More than ever artists have an important responsibility to create a new path toward peace and prosperity. To give peace a chance we must also give art a chance

Artistic expression has been the foundation of human existence for millenia. We share the need for connection through voice, music, dance, sculpture, drawing. ART is as necessary and nourishing as food and water.  


Many children are born into a world without access to arts, without hope, peace, prosperity, expression, JOY. There is a darkness without creativity. Imagine a childhood without and music, without artistic expression.  


We can start by helping one child at a time. We hope that one day all children have an education that includes the arts.     



In accordance with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals


To ensure that children everywhere will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling which includes complete access to arts.

United Nations Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child


Ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 stated in Article 31 1: Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. 


UNESCO task team post 2015 Development Agenda

Education and the adaptation of knowledge, skills, values is the key lever of sustainable development. As such education is as essential to human development as it is to the development of families, of the local and nationals communities to which they belong, and the world at large. As a fundamental human right enshrined in international frameworks, the right of education enables the realization of economic and cultural rights and is a catalyst for positive change, social justice and peace.

the artists without borders organization charity, international art charity for children, artists

"I do not want ART for a few any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few"  

          William Morris

2013 artists without borders


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